Meet Pinkie . . .
. . . child of Chicago’s mean streets . . . looks White but ‘thinks Black’ . . . being raised by shiftless Jolene, who cares only for Pinkie’s welfare check . . . on a quest to reunite with the White woman who gave her birth . . .

Meet Mollie . . .
. . . Associated Press reporter – sensitive, plucky, out to prove herself in the sexist man’s world of the mid ‘60s . . . Mollie’s path will cross with Pinkie’s . . . as they work to solve the mystery of Pinkie’s peculiar parentage . . . and break apart a massive scandal that leads to a Pulitzer-worthy scoop . . .
Meet ‘Nizzie’ Sawhill
. . . hunchbacked crone, political powerhouse, longing for someone to mother . . . Nizzie will take Pinkie under her wing, giving the young girl her first taste of the good life . . . until she broadcasts a false tale of race war that sets Blacks and Whites against one another . . . then vanishes, to be tracked down by . . . who?

Meet Chicago in the mid ’60s . . .
. . . wracked by inner-city riot upon riot that rip apart the impoverished West Side . . . ruled by the corrupt Democratic machine that puts bread and butter on Nizzie Sawhill’s table . . . it’s a great city, going up in flames.
Meet the author . . .
. . . Frank S Joseph lived the events he writes of . . . as an Associated Press reporter covering Chicago’s street riots in the mid ‘60s . . . the ‘67 Detroit riot where three-dozen-plus died . . . and the infamous ‘68 Democratic National Convention street disorders . . . Frank arrived in Washington during Watergate as a Washington Post editor . . . founded award-winning publishing companies . . . now lives in Chevy Chase MD with wife Carol
. . . parents of Sam and Shawn.

© Samuel J. Joseph,
Five Star Reviews
To Love Mercy
The Chicago Trilogy (1948)
Steve’s Book
Winner of 8 awards including the Eric Hoffer Award.
A tale of blacks and whites, Christians and Jews, how children view the world, conflict and forgiveness … and Chicago in 1948. “What happens when urban worlds collide? To Love Mercy portrays 1940s Chicago from the South Side to Riverview [Amusement Park], with a focus on two boys, one from Bronzeville, one from Hyde Park. What makes it so remarkable is the careful — loving — care to get the words and cadences right from Chicago of the era of our childhood. A wonderful, very special book.”
- Gary T. Johnson, Former President, Chicago History Museum
To Love Mercy is forthcoming from Key Literary in 2025
To Walk Humbly
The Chicago Trilogy (1952-57)
Sass's Book
Winner, New Rivers Press Novel Contest.
If Steve Feinberg and Jesse “Sass” Trimble learned anything that wild night four years earlier, it’s that the city of Chicago doesn’t want Blacks and Whites to be friends. Now fate has thrown them back together and this time the odds seem insurmountable. A mysterious silver talisman has gone missing again ... both boys want the same girl ... and down in Mississippi, someone near and dear is about to be lynched.
To Walk Humbly is forthcoming from Key Literary in 2024-25